Frequently Asked Questions!

Question: Can my two daughters be on the same team? 

Answer: Yes. As long as they qualify for the same age group, sisters may play on the regular rec team together. However, for Select and All Stars, there may be instances where sisters may not be on the same team since players tryout and/or are drafted on to these teams and not everyone may make these teams. Alternatively, you may request to have your daughters on separate teams if you like.


Question: Can we get my daughter’s friend on the same team for carpooling purposes?

Answer: The teams are formed by a draft process to ensure fair and equal placement of players among teams. Because of this process, we cannot guarantee friends will be on the same team. The only exception is in the 6U t-ball division where we try to group the girls with their classmates to make it a more enjoyable experience for them.

Question: When and where are the games played? 

Answer: During the spring season, teams may play one to two weekday games and one game on Saturday. CGSL may participate in Inter-league play with neighboring leagues to give the girls variety in opponents. For the fall season, teams will play all games on Saturdays and usually participate in Inter-league play with neighboring Orange County leagues. All home games are played at Walker Junior High School or other nearby fields the league may utilize.


Question: When will the team manager contact me to start the season?

Answer: For the spring season, all players (except t-ball) will attend the evaluation day in early January at Walker JHS.  A player draft will be held the following week. For the fall season, there may be no evaluation day. The player draft is held in early August. Your team manager will contact you as soon as the team is formed, within 24 hours of the draft. Evaluation and draft dates are highlighted on the CGSL Calendar



Question: What time are games and practices held? 

Answer: For the spring season, weekday games will start once Daylight Savings Time begins, and generally start at 5:00 p.m. For fields with lights, the last weekday game will begin at 7:00 p.m. Saturday game times will begin at 9:00 a.m. and continue as long as daylight allows, or until approximately 9:00 p.m. when lighted fields are available. Please keep in mind your manager will want you at the field one hour (or more) prior to game time so that your daughter is warmed up properly. Practice days, times and locations are determined at the player draft.



Question: Do I have to stay at practices and games? 

Answer: We strongly encourage parents to attend practices and games. If you must leave, please be sure to alert your team manager and ensure you are back on time to pick up your daughter. The manager cannot leave the field until she makes certain all players have been picked up. Additionally, a league approved/background checked adult female must always be present at practices and games.

Question: Who do I call if I have problems with my manager, uniform, fundraiser, etc.?

Answer: You should always try to solve any problems through your team manager first. If she does not seem able to resolve your issue, you can contact the commissioner for your age division. That person’s name and contact information can be found on the CGSL website.

Question: Can I attend CGSL Board Meetings if I am not on the board?

Answer: Yes, we encourage anyone to attend. Board meetings are usually held on the second Wednesday of each month. Please see the calendar to confirm date, time and location.

Question: What will I have to purchase when the season starts?

Answer: The league provides a jersey (shirt) and socks as part of the registration fee. The players need to provide their own pants, glove, USA Softball-approved bat, NOCSAE-approved helmet (with face mask) and rubber cleats (14U only may wear metal cleats). You may also be required to purchase sliders and/or other items for your player your team decides to invest in. This may be organized by the team manager and may be dependent on the team colors. Please note, all pitchers are also required to wear a fielding face mask.


Question: Will we have to sell candy or do other fundraising?

Answer: Each season CGSL does a fundraiser, which all players are required to participate in through either active participation in the fundraiser (candy sales, pancake breakfast tickets, golf ball drop tickets, etc.) or with a buyout, which is set and paid for during the season registration process. Not all fundraisers will be eligible for the buyout and players/families will need to participate in these. Additionally, teams may decide to do fundraising to help with season costs, and players/families should also make every effort to participate in these team fundraisers, which will be organized by the team manager.


Question: Can my company or work sponsor my daughter’s team?

Answer: Yes, sponsors of our league, and your daughter’s team, help us continue to provide a safe and fun environment. Sponsorships can come in any dollar amount, big or small and are very much appreciated. Each spring season, teams are required to get at least one sponsor. CGSL is a non-profit volunteer program and your tax-deductible sponsorship donation provides softball equipment, uniforms, umpire fees, field maintenance, league sanction fees, player clinics, insurance and more to our players. Sponsorships can be handled through your team manager, or can be done directly through the sponsorship page on the CGSL website. 



Question: Will I be required to volunteer? 

Answer: Our league operates entirely with the help of volunteers. We are always looking for people to contribute and make a difference in any capacity possible. At the first team meeting, your manager will request volunteers to help as Team Parent, Scorekeeper, Field Maintenance Day volunteer, Opening Day volunteer or in other areas to help the team and/or league. Please do what you can to help not only your daughter’s team thrive, but also make a positive impact on all the families our league serves. If you are interested in joining our board of directors, please send an email to



Question: I am a team manager/coach. Can I hold my team practices anywhere I want?

Answer: No. You may only practice at the time and place that our insurance covers. Our insurance only covers CGSL for fields that are assigned to us by the City of Cypress. Alternate practice locations must be pre-approved by division commissioners.


Question: Can I get a refund after registering my daughter?


Answer: Refunds may be considered on a case-by-case basis up until the season draft takes place. Once a player is placed on a team, no refunds will be allowed.